ANSI C12 Electricity Metering Standards

This page contains links to tools and information that I have found useful for understanding and implementing some of the electricity metering standards and in particular, ANSI standards C12.18, C12.19, C12.21 and the draft standard C12.22.

Software Tools

Software Tools available over the internet
linkDescription This is a site which contains an open source compiler for ASN.1 Spin is a protocol model verification and validation tool. SAXON is an XSLT processor developed by Michael Kay. I also highly recommend his book, XSLT 2.0 Programmer's Reference Third Edition


Standards related documents available on the internet
linkDescription Trilliant's web site contains old working drafts of C12.22. This ITU site contains the ASN.1 description of ACSE ISO site which contains a number of publicly available standards, including ISO/IEC 7498-x which is a series of documents describing the basic OSI reference model. The W3C site which contains the latest XSLT recommendation

Ed Beroset
Last modified: Mon Mar 30 23:44:41 2009
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